Conoley Ospovat

C.Ospovat live at Unit.jpg

The Patagonica tour, seeks to raise awareness about the unprotected nature in Patagonia, a region at the southernmost tip of Chile which is currently under threat by plans to exploit the area for its natural resources. Through a touring series of electronic music events and artist exchange, the Patagonica tour hopes to raise consciousness about and support the protection of one the planet’s few remaining natural treasures.

Read about our project here

Introducing Conoley Ospovat

This year Conoley Ospovat from Kimochi Sound will be joining the tour along with Michael Tello from PillowTalk and Eric Carson from Bespoke Musik in New York City. We will be traveling to Chile in February 2019 for a ten day tour. Here's a few words from Conoley about the upcoming tour in an exclusive interview with Parties4Peace.

Tell us about your music, what do you like to play and why do you decide to play LIVE ?

CO: I have been making music since I was 12 or 13 years old. At an early age I feel in love with the sounds of synthesizers and drum machines, and the love affair is still going on today. I like making music that I can dance to. I make music that is full of life, and I put warmth and positivity into every song I write.

I have played in bands since I was a teenager, so performing live is my natural mode for presenting the music I have created. One of my greatest passions is sharing the music I have made, and doing it live is the best way!

How did you get involved with Parties4Peace and what motivates you to play for their parties ?

CO: I have been connected to Parties4Peace since around 2008, when I met Emilie through mutual friends in Japan. Since then I have played at a number of P4P events in Japan and America. Combining music, art, and a conversation about peace in our world is a tremendously important project, and I am happy to be able to contribute by being involved with Parties 4 Peace.

How do you think that can Music and Art help to make the world a better place ?

CO: Music and art bring people together, start conversations, and make people think. They are pure expressions of the human experience, reflected through our souls. They are a language our spirits speak; a way to share insights about life and our world. Music has been the single-most positive experience of my life, and by listening to, creating, and sharing music I am playing my role keeping the cosmic wheel turning.

This is your first time in Chile - what excites you about the tour ? 
CO: I have never visited South America, but it has been in my thoughts for many years - Chile in particular. I got to know Pier Bucci in my years in Japan and lived with him for a short time in Berlin. He has become one of my producing mentors, and is a dear friend. I have also met a number of talented Chilean producers and DJs over the years through the Parties 4 Peace events, and am really excited to finally visit the place that they call home.

What does the word "sustainability" mean to you ?
CO: ‘Sustainability’ means exactly that - the ability to ‘sustain’ something, or keep it going.
Inherent in that definition is the implication that to keep something going that which is being sustained cannot be destroyed in the process.
- Sustainability is not complicated, and it’s not a ‘liberal’ idea. It’s not an inconvenient truth or a pipe dream. It is something that is fundamentally necessary in order for the human race to continue to exist, and it needs to be one of the recognized foundations of every human society.

- I cannot wait to enjoy real summer soon in Chile! First time for me to travel to the Southern Hemisphere. This is going to be awesome!